What life are you choosing for yourself in this moment? You really do get to choose what you want in your life. Be that struggle, suffering, lack of or be that abundance in many different forms.
You have to understand that most of your life is happening to you subconsciously. You are subconsciously making decisions and sending messages to the universe asking for how you want your life to be.
This is why negative self-talk is so destructive to your life. Awareness of how you are thinking and what kind of life you feel you deserve is so very important.
Showing that you are willing to do what it takes to have what your heart truly desires. We all have a purpose in this world. And for a lot of you, it is not what you think.
Asking ourselves why we do certain things. Why do we act a certain way. Why do certain patterns play out in our life, again and again. It is like we are on a merry-go-round, repeating the same mistakes.
While the universe is trying to teach us a lesson. The universe wants us to be our highest self. The best version of yourself. But in order to get there, it has to teach us, and as humans, we are very stubborn.
And so we ignore the lessons and we stay on the merry-go-round endlessly. Completely unconscious of what is playing out in our life. If only we would stop for a minute, get off, look back and see what we are creating for ourselves.
We are all constantly creating our life. Every moment of every day. Making conscious decisions and choices as to what to do next. Work, play or simply live in distraction.
Distraction is the desperate way we try and hide from reality. From life. We don't want to face the hard truth of what we have done in our past. What we have done to others.
How we have hurt others. It torments us and yet we cannot change the past. It is complete. But what we can choose to do is be better from today. Strive to be a better person.
Less distracted, more conscious, more aware of what we are doing. More aware of others in the world. More aware of our habits that keep us distracted and yet unhappy and discontented.
It takes will if we want a better life. It takes action and awareness. It takes work. Deep work to face ourselves in the mirror. Forgive our past regressions and move towards a point of loving ourselves unconditionally.
Of loving others unconditionally. Of choosing to do small things for others and ourselves to make life just a little bit better. All the little things add up.
Put a beetle back on its feet. Put food out for the birds. Send unconditional love to our perceived enemies. Understand that other people who trouble us are not even aware of our existence.
Be responsible for what we are creating but being aware of our thoughts and feelings. Accepting that our thoughts and feelings are made up and not real. Meaning that we can control them given time and practice.
Letting go. The powerful art of letting go of what doesn't serve us. Letting go of pain and suffering which is all optional. Understanding that all you have in life is this moment right now.
It is the only thing that you can control. What you decide to do now. What you choose to think about. What you do with any negative thoughts and feelings. Let them go. Take the power away from them.
A thought can only continue to live in your mind or become an action if you give it power. If it is a thought that serves you and will bring you joy and fulfillment, then give it power.
Create tension because it is something you want in your life. Go after what you would love in your life. Be aware of your actions. The ones that serve you and the ones that don't.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't let small and insignificant things that happen to you, derail you. If you are following your hearts desires of what you want to create in your life for yourself.
Don't let something small make you give up. Stick with it all the way to completion. The more ideas that you turn into action and completion. The more fulfilled you will be.
The more things you will get done. And so on. The more you will achieve in your life if that is what you want and would love. Imagine your heart opening life a flow on a summer's morning.
Imagine it accepts love. It radiates love. It is the most powerful part of us and it can change everything. Be guided by your heart. Practice all these things I have mentioned.
Read it again and again to solidify the message. I promise you, it works. I promise you that it will bring you more joy and happiness. It will bring you what all humans crave, fulfillment.
Sending you unconditional, limitless love and strength.
This is one of my creations. An exciting cyber security thriller.
Great article Colin!
Sending you unconditional, limitless love and strength. ⬅️ Right back at you! 👍💪✌️🙏🥰