I like what you write and agree with much of what you say but sorry friend the whole idea of some sort of impersonal swirling gases like “ the Universe” doing anything for me personally is a little bit too much of a stretch. I just don’t think that the galaxies and stars are that concerned with me feeling empowered to what create a life where I get to explore the planet and have olive relationship. Forgive me friend I probably should just go to sleep long day and here in Fort Worth it is 10:43 pm. I am into a much more personal Creator one that has every hair on my head numbered like a Father who loves his child so much he could tell you what he smelled like and where each birthmark or blemish was how each finger or little toes turned in or out and who waits on our every word gesture feed and thought because He lives us so much. Who called us like He did the stars and planets and all things trees squirrels, butterfly’s, hippopotamuses, rocks and rivers from non- existence into being!!! Peace friend. Nite
Hey Holly. Thank you. I appreciate your comment and honesty. If you are referring to the creator as God. And if you consider that God creates everything including the galaxies and planets, trees and squirrels etc. Then we all have the same father. We are all connected. We are all loved equally by the same creator. Personally, I see God and the universe as the same. If the universe is spawn from God, then the universe is like our big brother. And then yes, our big brother truly does want whats best for us. Wants us to live our best life. At the end of the day, everything is energy. Life giving energy.
I also think that we should just allow our imaginations to flow wildly. As children, our creativity is killed by a school system. Designed to make us compliant. To fit into society. Telling us what we can and can't do. What we can and can't think. What we can and can't believe. If we let go of everything that we have been taught and instead, plug into our imaginations. Really let ourselves go. Really dig deep into our imaginations.
I think we shall see the world and the universe in a totally different perspective. I believe there is so much more available to us in this life but we have to let go of our self limiting beliefs. Everything starts with a thought from our imagination. The more freely we can think, the more we can create for ourselves. Hope you had a great day and I appreciate you :-)
Loved this! Seemed like the perfect day to read it. I know I've regretted a lot of decisions in my past and also hurt some people I wish I hadn't. I forgot that we can still carry that with us, even though it happened so long ago. Thanks for the reminder to focus on the present and continue creating better lives for ourselves and the people around us. Sometimes it seems like in such a fast paced technological world with exaggerated news, our mind gets hacked and we feel forced to tune into the frequency of stress, anxiety, fear, etc. Curious if you have a morning routine that has worked for you? I've tried a few but haven't found the perfect one yet. Thanks for writing this Colin.
Thanks so much Nick. Yes, I think we all have regrets but you can't change the past and we don't have time machines so we just have to move on and focus on the present.
I do think that one of the best things you can do is stop watching the news if you havn't already. It is fake and manipulated. It is very unhelpful to us. Routine does work well for me and my ADHD brain. My alarm goes off at 5.30am although I do wake up slowly before I get up. I feed one of the dogs and make our breakfast. I then try and coax the two Jack Russell's out of bed for a walk. They are very reluctant I tell you! I then go to gym. I am much happier if I get up and do something. I feel like I have achieved something then. What is your current routine Nick?
Great article Colin!
Thanks Darcy 🙏🏼
Sending you unconditional, limitless love and strength. ⬅️ Right back at you! 👍💪✌️🙏🥰
Ah!! Thats awesome, thank you sis :-)
I like what you write and agree with much of what you say but sorry friend the whole idea of some sort of impersonal swirling gases like “ the Universe” doing anything for me personally is a little bit too much of a stretch. I just don’t think that the galaxies and stars are that concerned with me feeling empowered to what create a life where I get to explore the planet and have olive relationship. Forgive me friend I probably should just go to sleep long day and here in Fort Worth it is 10:43 pm. I am into a much more personal Creator one that has every hair on my head numbered like a Father who loves his child so much he could tell you what he smelled like and where each birthmark or blemish was how each finger or little toes turned in or out and who waits on our every word gesture feed and thought because He lives us so much. Who called us like He did the stars and planets and all things trees squirrels, butterfly’s, hippopotamuses, rocks and rivers from non- existence into being!!! Peace friend. Nite
Hey Holly. Thank you. I appreciate your comment and honesty. If you are referring to the creator as God. And if you consider that God creates everything including the galaxies and planets, trees and squirrels etc. Then we all have the same father. We are all connected. We are all loved equally by the same creator. Personally, I see God and the universe as the same. If the universe is spawn from God, then the universe is like our big brother. And then yes, our big brother truly does want whats best for us. Wants us to live our best life. At the end of the day, everything is energy. Life giving energy.
I also think that we should just allow our imaginations to flow wildly. As children, our creativity is killed by a school system. Designed to make us compliant. To fit into society. Telling us what we can and can't do. What we can and can't think. What we can and can't believe. If we let go of everything that we have been taught and instead, plug into our imaginations. Really let ourselves go. Really dig deep into our imaginations.
I think we shall see the world and the universe in a totally different perspective. I believe there is so much more available to us in this life but we have to let go of our self limiting beliefs. Everything starts with a thought from our imagination. The more freely we can think, the more we can create for ourselves. Hope you had a great day and I appreciate you :-)
Appreciate you right back friend. Sending good thoughts thru the Universe to you! 😊
Loved this! Seemed like the perfect day to read it. I know I've regretted a lot of decisions in my past and also hurt some people I wish I hadn't. I forgot that we can still carry that with us, even though it happened so long ago. Thanks for the reminder to focus on the present and continue creating better lives for ourselves and the people around us. Sometimes it seems like in such a fast paced technological world with exaggerated news, our mind gets hacked and we feel forced to tune into the frequency of stress, anxiety, fear, etc. Curious if you have a morning routine that has worked for you? I've tried a few but haven't found the perfect one yet. Thanks for writing this Colin.
Thanks so much Nick. Yes, I think we all have regrets but you can't change the past and we don't have time machines so we just have to move on and focus on the present.
I do think that one of the best things you can do is stop watching the news if you havn't already. It is fake and manipulated. It is very unhelpful to us. Routine does work well for me and my ADHD brain. My alarm goes off at 5.30am although I do wake up slowly before I get up. I feed one of the dogs and make our breakfast. I then try and coax the two Jack Russell's out of bed for a walk. They are very reluctant I tell you! I then go to gym. I am much happier if I get up and do something. I feel like I have achieved something then. What is your current routine Nick?