There is a story of a young boy who lived with his uncle. His parents had both died. His father by a giant bear that attacked a hunting party and his mother had fallen ill and never recovered.
The young boy was lucky his uncle took him in otherwise he would have surely perished. His uncle already had three girls, who were older than the boy.
They looked after him but also teased him and bullied him. The boy couldn't fight back too hard for after all, they were girls.
Even though they were actually bigger and stronger than him currently. He was still honorable. He also didn't want to be thrown out his uncle's house for beating up his daughters.
But the girls were also kind at times and they liked having a little cousin around. Everyone had a job in the house. The boy would go with the youngest daughter to pick berries in the forest.
Even though it was dangerous, the youngsters always seemed to be given this task. The villages hoped that during the day, dangerous animals would not approach their encampment to closely for all the noise and activity.
The young one were instructed not to stray too far from the fringe of the forest, least they been taken by a hungry wolf or bear sniffing around for a quick morsel.
The boy and his cousin were around 7 and 8 years old. Old enough to understand the dangers. However, as they started looking for berries today, they noticed there were not many around.
They had to cautiously move deeper into the forest in order to find the bushes with big, lush berries on them. Dark purple, ripe and sweet.
They knew the rest of the family would love them as they were doing now. They popped one in their mouth and one in the basket.
Suddenly, the boy heard a low growl. At first he couldn't see the wolf but then, when it growled again, he saw it peering at him from under a bush. He froze in terror.
His sister, backed away slowly, telling him not to make any sudden movements. He should try and get up a tree however, she knew, deep in her heart that the boy was done for.
The wolf was far too close and far too quick for the boy to escape. She said to him that she would slip away and get help, but she doubted she would see him again.
As she fled, the boy sat down, instead of trying to run away and climb a tree. He stared into the wolf's bright, yellow eyes and cocked his head as if asking it a question.
"What do you want with me", he asked in a very low and soft voice.
The wolf softened and stopped baring his teeth. His demeaner changed as he lay down, looking at the boy. He stared for what seemed an eternity until he finally spoke to the boy in his head.
"I bring news that many of our kind are going to come and hunt you. We have been hungry for a while and you have food that we need. We shall only take a few sheep and will not harm any of your other humans. If you let us do this then no-one will be harmed."
The boy thought for a moment and then said, "you and I both know that will not happen. The warriors will do all they can to fight you and protect our sheep. We need them for ourselves. They will not listen to a young boy like me and let you simply take your fill"
The wolf listened to him and seemed to nod his head. A very slight movement but he clearly understood. "Do you have any suggestions, on how both of us can protect each other's clan from being harmed?"
The boy paused, thinking hard. "If you come back with me as my protector and me as yours. I wonder if they will not only allow this but also let me feed you scraps from our meals."
"No", replied the wolf. "I don't think that will work, however. If you bring me food to the edge of the forest, then this may appease my own leader and ensure you come to come to no harm."
The young boy pondered this suggestion and then replied, "I think I can make that work. I shall bring you something to eat tomorrow."
The large wolf didn't reply but seemed to disappear into thin air in an instant. The boy made his way, slowly back to the small village where he met his uncle running towards him with a long spear that glinted in the sun light.
They boy had explained that the wolf had suddenly turned around and left and he wasn't harmed in anyway. His uncle and cousin were very surprised.
They expected to only find a blood trail, not even a body to bury. And yet, the boy appeared to be fine.
The following day, as promised, the boy had managed to put some scraps together and bring them to the wolf. He told his family that he was going to pick some more berries and not to worry about him.
He didn't have to wait long for the wolf to appear, as if by magic close to him, without a sound. The boy left the scraps on the ground and backed away.
The wolf was clearly hungry as he guzzled the few bits of food down. "I shall bring you some more tomorrow", promised the boy.
It turned out that the wolf was also an orphan like the boy. He was not part of a pack but made up a story to get fed.
He knew the boy was in a similar position to him and didn't wanted to simply eat him when he thought he could get more out of this relationship.
And so the boy and the wolf became good friends. They protected each other and went hunting together as they got older and stronger.
He eventually managed to venture into the village but remained close to the boy and was very suspicious of everyone. The other villages where very scared of the wolf but could see the boy had him under control.
And this relationship was the first of many as wolves realised they could get easy meals from humans and actually be safer and more comfortable around them.
And so began the long evolution of wolves to dogs who lived with humans permanently.
A beautiful parable many can relate to. Thank you!