What Would You Love To Create In Your Life?
Imagine that you're sat at your desk, working away when an extraterrestrial walks in. She has travelled from millions of light years away to come and see you. To come and learn from you.
To come and understand what life on your planet it all about. If you could actually see her and sense her and speak with her, what would you tell her. Would you say life is great or life is hard.
Or there are horrendous wars all over the world. Or life is magical. You get to choose what to do every day. What would you tell your new friend. What would you want to show her in the world.
Where would you take her. If she had her own small, invisible spaceship that you could jump into. Where would you both go. Imagine for a moment that you could go anywhere you wanted.
If you were fearless, where would you fly off to. What’s the one place in this world you have always wanted to go to but have been too scared or haven't had the money or the time.
Now you have no limits and so where do you want to go and what do you want to do. Would you love to go deep into the ocean and explore the sea bed, miles below the surface.
Or go to Costa Rica or Fiji. Or to New York or Tokyo. Or to Ayers rock in Australia. Seek out long white beaches or deep forests in the Amazon. Or the hustle and bustle of big cities.
The diversity of how the rich live in Monaco and the poor in a shanti town in India or Africa. What is it that you want to see and experience that you have always held back doing.
Maybe even as a child you have dreamed of doing something. But you have always allowed your internal resistance to kill the dream.
To put it in the future where it will happen one day but never does. Maybe you want to run a retreat or start a business or teach yoga.
What would you love to do that is completely opposite of what you are doing today. If your new ET friend could dissolve your resistance and kick you up the ass. What would you start today.
Whatever it is you would love to do and have been putting off for a life time, you can start today. Take the first baby step towards it. Write out a plan on paper.
Sit still and close your eyes, clear your mind and create a vision of what you want to create. Write down your vision. Choose to focus on what you would love to create for yourself.
What is the next baby step after writing out your vision. Who do you need to talk to you make it become a reality. What information do you need.
Imagine your new ET friend is going to help every step of the way. She is there, by your side. You can ask her for strength and resolve. You can ask her to help you focus.
For courage to pick up the phone. For courage to put yourself out in the world and share your big vision. To speak to people, to put it all over social media, to tell your friends and family.
To create videos of yourself speaking about your new creation. She shows you see clearly how you choose to distract yourself with TV, social media scrolling, watching porn, drinking, gaming or other things.
How you tell yourself you don't have the time and yet you waste hours every doing pointless things that don't serve you or anyone else.
You distract yourself so that you don't have to face the real world. You don't have to take responsibility for your life. You don't have to take charge and actually go after what you would love.
Instead, just going with the flow and seeing where it takes you. Aimlessly wondering through life. Complaining when things happen to you. Complaining about the state of the world and your life.
Settling for mediocrity. Settling for poor relationships rather than putting the effort in.
But all that stops now. With your new ET friend, she is going to kick your ass. She is sat beside you right now. It's your job to educate her on how you can go after your dreams and visions and bring them into reality.
Just imagine for a moment that exciting feel, that sense of fulfilment when you create what you set out to. If it is a business, you get people coming to buy from you.
If it is a retreat, you have people booked on and you're in the middle of running it. Seeing people's lives change in front of your eyes.
Whatever your vision is, imagine that you have achieved it and how it feels. Now take action. One baby step at a time. With your new friend by your side.
Show her what is possible in this world when you take away your resistance and distraction. And when you follow your heart and put a vision into reality.
Write down your vision now and share it with me.
Photograph: Andria Lo