If you're walking through a forest or even a wood, do you see all the birds. You can hear them singing their little hearts out but do you see them.
You can hear a woodpecker, bashing away but it is normally quite difficult to actually find him or her. You may see the odd bird but often, when they are right in front on of you in a tree, you simply can't see them.
In the same way, do you see all the bugs and beetles running around. You may walk through this forest or wood and thing it is deserted.
There could even be a family of deer's standing there, stock still, watching you. But you don't see them as they slink off. You may hear a branch crack but you still can't see them running off.
The truth is, the forest is alive with life. It is full of energy and creatures that you can't see. You will perhaps see them if you stopped and sat on a log. And heightened your awareness.
You walk past a river or a lake but you don't see the fish swimming in there and yet, they are there. Swimming around and doing their thing.
The whole point of this is that our sky's and universe is full of life as well but we don't see it. We have ET's visiting us constantly, flying around.
In fact, our skies are as busy as the traffic in New York. But we can't see it or hear it. But just as with the forest and the rivers and lakes, the life is all there but outside of our vision.
We live our lives so distracted and focused on our TV or phone, that we miss out on a whole different world that is right in front of us.
The ET sat on the sofa next to us. The dog on his lap but we are in such low vibration that we can't see it. Sometimes, the dog will sense something but we just tell him to shut up.
Can you imagine the different experience that our dog or dogs have when we go for a walk. They are closer to the ground for a start but they smell everything.
They can smell what and who has been past each particular spot. They stand there sniffing, driving us up the wall as we are impatient to keep walking.
But they are taking it all in. We walk around the block together and yet, their experience is completely different to ours. So much more enriching than ours.
We listen to music or a podcast or we scroll on our phone as we walk along. We have been for a walk but we weren't present and so we missed out. We had one tenth of the experience that was actually available to us.
So, are you living your life and missing out on the full human experience.
Are you open to change or open to stopping and smelling the flowers.
Open to just being present and watching what is going on around you.
Listening to the birds, watching them fly about.
You may be surprised what you find when you really look at the world around you.
I've been unable to stop listening to this particular video Colin because it has some answers, in my opinion, to your question about ET or God and Jesus Christ in fact.
I'd love to see what you think.