There was once a time when the earth was in turmoil. There were exploding volcano’s and electric storms all over the world.
Massive hurricanes with devastating winds which ravaged the earth at hundreds of miles an hours. Life for any creature was very tough during these times.
Death was frequent amongst all. Plants and trees where ripped from the ground. Or they were burnt to a crisp from molten lava.
There was much suffering and pain. But despite all this, there were a group of humans in a tribe that thrived. Every day, they set a deep intention of what they wanted in their life the coming day.
They imagined they had the power to create whatever they wanted in the world, regardless of what was going on around them. Despite the hurricanes and storms, they would create a peaceful day.
Or perhaps they would ensure that what happened during the day, everyone would be safe by the end of it. They listened to their intuition and followed the nudges.
Sometimes the universe would instruct them to move to a different place. They were open to listening and taking action. It was through this action that they escaped the harshest of storms and volcano’s.
They would go to the place they were directed and they would be safe. When they looked back, they noticed the rage that had befallen where they had been standing only hours before.
They learnt the importance of listening to their intuition and taking action. They saw the magic in the world, despite the turmoil.
They saw others suffering and struggling because they did not use their intuition. They simply suffered and complained and died. They would curse the weather and the earth.
They would weep with sadness at the loss of their loved ones. And yet, they would not change anything. They would hear about this tribe of dedicated humans, leading their lives through their intuition and their hearts.
They would scoff and say, that is not for me. It is all rubbish. It will never work for us. Things got harder and tougher but they remained steadfast in their denial.
They could not be open to living in a different way. They wouldn't let themselves believe that there was another way. A better way. And so, they continued their struggle and they perished.
Meanwhile, the tribe moved around, always just out of harm's way. Always grateful. Always joyful and happy. Always understanding that things could always be a lot worse.
They would follow their hearts. Send out unconditional love to everyone and anyone they met, regardless of what they believed. Everyone was equal in their eyes.
They were full of compassion and love and empathy for others. Some joined them. Some learnt about using their intuition. And yet. Others remained stubborn. And that was ok.
There was no forcing to live a certain way. To be a certain way. To believe in a certain way of being. Everyone had free will and choice to live their lives how they wanted to.
It was sad to see so much unnecessary suffering, especially when a better way was freely available. But the tribe knew, it was not their job to force change in others.
They simply lead and showed the way. Whoever decided to follow was welcome. If they choose not to, that was fine too.
And so it came to pass, that the terrible weather and volcanos eventually settled. Many had been killed but the tough and adaptable, faithful ones survived. They were grateful and loving and kind.
They continued their lives, following their hearts and listening to their intuitions. When bad things happened, they understood that firstly, sometimes these things happen.
Secondly, they didn't mean anything. It was down to them to choose what to create the following day, regardless of what was going on around them.
P.S. This will really make my day! Drop a comment, like, or share, it means the world to me, thank you!
Thanks for sharing @SinC (Clint){TWB} 🙏🏼😊
Thanks for sharing @Sandra Dingler