Awareness is one of the most key components to create success and abundance in your life. Awareness of what action you are taking in your life to be better and to move forward.
Awareness of what you are not doing. Of what you are allowing to distract you from your true mission and purpose in your life. The opposite of awareness is unconscious.
You can just wing your way through your human experience here on earth. Complaining and being a victim or perhaps having lots of success by chance but not on purpose.
Unaware of how you replicate it because it just seems to happen. But when you create the awareness of the actions you are taking or not taking, then you better your life and yourself.
You will have the ability to create more of that. And if it is your mission, to help others as well. Not everyone's mission is to help others.
Some have to be selfish in order to better themselves. To achieve great things in order to inspire others to do the same. What do you do that inspires others around you.
What do you do that inspires people in the world, completely known to you. How can you inspire them. As you step back and look at the world that you live in.
Notice how things have changed during your lifetime. Notice people's fears. Notice governments and leaders struggling more than ever.
Notice people becoming more aware that they're living in a make believe matrix, controlled by others and not themselves. Awareness is when you not only realise this but do something about it.
Recognise when you are been manipulated by others to take you off your true course. Notice when you are being constantly distracted by the media that you watch.
Notice the clever technology that keeps you scrolling for hours and losing time. Notice you lack of contentment and happiness by being pulled into scrolling and watching rubbish.
Awareness is noticing all these things and taking specific action to not allow yourself to be distracted. To go into nature and remember the power she has to ground you and take you away from technology.
Do not make the mistake of going into nature and scrolling. Missing out on what is right in front of you. Be aware of the consequences of your action. Of self-sabotage.
When you have something great in your life but you are tempted to seek something perceived to be better but end up breaking everything instead.
This comes from a lack of gratitude for what you have in your life right now. What can you be grateful for right now. What do you love in your life that you wouldn't ever want to lose.
Are any of your actions, subconsciously trying to sabotage what you love. Are your actions incongruent with your heart. Practicing gratitude daily will keep you on your path to greater things.
It will show the universe that you love what she has given you today and that you want more of it. When you seek distraction from your life, then you will get more distraction.
Notice patterns in your life. Where you keep taking a certain action that doesn't serve you. It doesn't help you move forward in your life.
If you run a business, you will understand that if you are not growing and improving then your business is dying. This is the same principle in life.
Remember, there is only a certain amount of time that you have, use it wisely. Be driven by never having a feeling of regret.
Put yourself into the space and energy of your future self who has already achieved all the great things you want to achieve. What actions did your future self, take to get to where they are now.
So now you know, what you need to do. Deeper conversations, deeper connections, deeper reflection on self. All things that help you grow and thrive.
If you are not thriving in your life today then there is action that you will be required to take to evolve and grow.
Know, that however much you are suffering and struggling right now, that thriving and success and happiness is within your DNA. All things are possible. But it all takes the right action.
Listen to others. Seek knowledge from others who have been on your journey and come out the other side. Understand that the place that you are in right now, is temporary.
It is in this moment and as a powerful human, you have the power to change. Understand that depression is the perceived sense of powerlessness. Read that 10 times if you happen to suffer with depression at times.
Understand those words so that you may realise whether you help yourself or others that this is the key to stepping out of that negative energy.
Understand how humans make up everything going on in their headspace. And when you understand that you make it up, it means that you have the power to create as well.
You have the power to create what you would love in your life. Your literally step out of one energy and into another.
You may feel overwhelmed and anxious. This is an energy. And energy ebbs and flows. You can change your energy at any moment. Your perception creates your reality.
Your perception of the world you live in creates the actual world you live in. If you think there are wars and death and misery and pain in the world, then that is how you will perceive the world and your life.
If you perceive that you are the powerful creator of your life and you seek to be useful and kind and friendly and loving. Then this is how you will be.
There is of course death and sadness and misery and hunger in the world. But if you choose to focus on it, then it will change your energy and your experience of life.
You can still have empathy and understanding of others but you can also refuse to tolerate others creating misery for themselves and trying to enroll you in their negative energy.
You're in charge of your life. You are creating your life right now, in this moment. As you read this, you are making decisions as to what action you need to take.
How your future evolves depends on which of that actions you actually take. How you feel and how your energy is, all depends on what voice your listen to in your head.
For every moment that you are miserable or scrolling or allowing yourself to be distracted, is a moment lost forever.
P.S. Wanna make my day? Drop a comment, like, or share, it means the world to me!!!!
This is my book on Amazon called Billion Dollar Hack. It’s an exciting thriller.
yes yes yes. all of this. All spiritual practices point back to know thyself. The great I AM. Part of the whole. all levels and facets, physically, emotionally, mentally and energy running through. get to know ourselves with curiosity, allowance and Love. unconditional love for where we are.
inspiring others to do the same, Thanks Colin. I'll be taking a look at the book too. :)