Sadness is a perceived sense of loss or powerlessness. Sadness is the prelude to depression. The key thing to remember is that this is simply your perception.
In the cold light of day, if we come back to everything being simple and black and white. Whatever we are sad or depressed about is not actually real.
Yes, you may have lost someone but if we sit and focus on loving them. Focus on the good things they brought into our life, then there is no reason to be sad. But to feel grateful for having had them in our life.
For having had the experience and the joy and happiness they brought us. Life is all about experiences. People and animals and even experiences will come and go throughout our whole life.
That, by its definition is life. To feel sad because some things do not stay the same all the time is largely illogical. Its goes against universal law.
Life is about constantly growing and learning and evolving. Well, it should be. If we remain stuck in our past and sit there pondering and missing it, then we miss out on the future.
We can't move forward with new and exciting experiences. Our eyes and hearts are closed to experiencing new things and meeting new people because we fear we shall lose them.
But we always say it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
When we can let go of what happened yesterday. When we can shed all the things that have happened to us in our life and instead focus on our life ahead, we have a different life experience.
When we look forward, rather than backward. When we let go of what happened last time we tried something that didn't work out.
Then we can truly experience new things with fresh eyes and our hearts wide open to receive whatever is being offered to us.
Of course, there are always lessons to learn and these need to be incorporated into life moving forwards. But we only need the lesson, not all the emotional response around the lesson.
For example, don't stick your fingers in a plug socket. It is very simple and very black and white.
Now, you can create a whole emotional story around it. Like your mum should have warned you and you felt unloved and uncared for because no one warned you not to do it.
But the reality is, it was a simply lesson. Don't do it again. The end. But our minds make up a whole story around something very simple and this is how triggers are formed.
They are formed by trapped emotions. And they are very bad and unhealthy for us. They cause disease in the long term as your body spends all its time and energy managing and fighting these little bundles of energy within you.
When you let go of these, it is incredibly enlightening and freeing. Something really bad may have happened to you. You may have been raped for example.
The only thing you need to take from this horrible experience is not to put yourself in the same vulnerable situation again. You may have got drunk and your friends left you and someone took advantage of you.
Well, in future, be more careful and thoughtful about what is going on around you. You may also need some better friends. But that is where in reality, the whole incident should stop.
We don't have time machines so we can't go back and fix or eradicate the experience. But we do have a choice as to how we react to it.
It is all about breaking down these experiences we have, good or bad and taking what we can from them but not letting them ruin the rest of our life or even the rest of our day.
It is a skill in awareness to learn to let things go.
Someone cuts us up in traffic. Do we let it ruin our day or quickly move on.
Whatever we give energy to will persist. If we don't give a thought or feeling or incident any energy then it dies in its tracks. It's over.
Always remember that the universe wants us to thrive. To be happy and joyful and have a great human experience. To be fulfilled.
The universe is guiding us through our life. Giving us different experiences and teaching us all the time.
If we got a bad emotional response from every lesson we got in school, can you imagine the state we will be in before we even leave junior school. We will be a complete wreak. A broken ball of emotion.
So be aware of how you are reacting things. When you are adding thoughts and feelings to an incident when you don't need to. Be aware of giving energy to negative incidents.
Follow the rules of the universe, not human society. Let go of emotional charge related to incidents that have long since passed in your lifetime.
We can't fix the past but we can choose how we let it affect our future. Don't let your past ruin your future.
Choose to be joyful despite being justified in being miserable due to a past incident in your life. Everything happens for a reason.
OMG I love all the pictures here <3 and what a beautiful message from the universe.
Thank you so much ☁️😊🙏🏼🌻