There was a little girl running through a rain forest. This was 10 000 years before the Romans began their surge of power.
The little girl was barefoot as she ran along a path as she had done many times before. It would take her to a beautiful waterfall. She loved going there and just sitting and watching the endless fall of water.
It was mesmerising and enchanting. She would sit there for a long time as the sun moved across the sky, pondering her life and what was to come.
She was a very spiritual little being and she knew that she had been to earth many times before. He mother had awakened her spiritual side very early.
She had a divine power deep inside her. As with most children, she could easily tap into her intuition whenever she wanted.
But, unlike other children, she knew what questions to ask and how to use it. Despite her young age, she was intelligent and mature. She could sense danger before anything happened.
Be that in the forest or among a crowd in the village. She could sense energy changes which would stop her in her tracks. She would quietly ask her intuition what she should do and then she would follow the instructions.
She had managed to avoid a lot of danger so far. Once, when she sensed this change of energy while running through the forest a few months ago, she had stopped.
She climbed a tree as instructed and waited, silently and patiently. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a tiger slinking through the forest ahead of her.
The tiger was completely silent and if she had not stopped, she would literally have run straight into its mouth.
She was grateful for her skills and her knowledge. Today, she'd followed a nudge from a dream to go to the waterfall she loved so much.
She would meditate and listen out to what messages came through for her. Sure enough, it didn't take long as she sat with her legs crossed, the waterfall splashing her face gently with a fine spray.
A message came through that she needed to save her village. A terrible flood was coming and everything would be washed away. Everyone needed to move to higher ground in the mountains and take provisions with them.
For those that did not heed this warning, will perish in an instant. What she didn't know that was despite the sunny days and lack of rain, there was a natural dam much further up the valley.
In fact, it was over a month's march away. This was the biggest dam wall that existed on earth and none has ever matched its size since.
The dam wall was over a mile high and made of ice and rocks and fallen trees. But the ice was melting due to the warmer temperatures and at some point, in an instant, the dam wall would break.
The rush of torrent of water would be so great, it would travel hundreds of miles at lightning speed. Smashing and crushing everything in its path.
It would cause tremendous devastation across the entire world and very few would survive. They would have to get very high into the mountains above them and find somewhere safe to shelter.
Even then, they would be lucky to survive. Convincing this impending doom to her fellow villages was never going to be an easy task.
They were not going to listen to a young girl telling yarns and stories and suddenly run off and hide. Leaving their homes and their possessions and their crops.
For all they knew, another tribe would swoop in and take everything that belonged to them. Laughing at them from the very houses they had abandoned while they hid in caves high up in the mountains.
No, they had no intention of listening to a little girl. However, she was insistent and relentless. A few started to worry that she may be telling the truth.
After all, the girl had never been known to lie and she did have incredible luck for avoiding dangerous scenarios. A few people started packing.
Mostly women who were more likely to believe a girl and her intuition. Their men were not happy but they had a choice. Stay or follow their women.
The women made it clear that they were not going to sit and wait to die because of their men's ignorance and arrogance.
Finally, a number of the men relented and followed some distance behind the women with their animals. A lot of other men laughed at them and jeered.
They even threw rocks and sticks at the departing men but they were ignored. They laughed and enjoyed having the whole village to themselves.
They drank and played games without a care in the world. Meanwhile, the party of villages was making their way up the mountain, guided by the young girl.
She was concentrating and following instructions from her intuition. They travelled for the whole day and then camped for the night.
Putting their animals in the centre of the small tents for their protection. They posted guards to look out for danger while the others slept peacefully.
Finally, towards the end of the following day, they reached the caves the girl had seen in a dream the night before.
They were very high up in the mountain and the air was thin and cold. They made themselves comfortable. The young girl told them that it may take a few days but they had to be patient.
A few of the villages decided that it was too uncomfortable and after two days, they headed back down the mountain again. Their faith lost.
On the evening of the third day, they heard thunder in the far distance, yet the sky remained clear and cloudless.
The thunder rumbled all night which scared everyone. They had never heard anything like this in their lifetimes. They eventually fell sleep on this dark, moonless night.
In the morning, the little girl was the first to awake, she went to the entrance of the cave and peered out. She was astonished to discover the whole landscape had changed.
The thunder they had heard all night had been the promised flood of water. It had formed a giant lake below them.
It was the strangest thing to see the path they had used to climb up the mountain, completely covered by water.
Some of the villages that had headed back down the mountain, suddenly arrived back again. They had heard the thunder and travelled throughout the night to get back to higher ground.
They were terrified and regaled stories of what they had seen. The giant lake was still rising up towards them. They would soon have nowhere to go.
They were trapped but at least they were not dead yet. Crushed to death by the giant torrent of relentless water.
All the villages looked upon the young girl with immense gratitude and love and appreciation. They would never doubt her again.
They knew then, the power of intuition. The power of taking the time to meditate and listen out for important messages.
It was important that they continued to practice this for the rest of the lives, regardless of how busy and distracted they got.
It was an important lesson for all of them and an important lesson for you too.
the power of intuition <--- Yes!
This has helped me navigate through an experience recently.
I think I need to write it into a post to share my experience n the lessons I learned from it. 🙏😊
Thanks for the restack @Fel I appreciate you..