The Elders
The Warrior. He is seen and heard and feared but really he is the protector. The true warrior is the protector of a way of life. A protector of children and of homestead.
His way is to protect at any cost, even giving up his own life in order to save those of his family and the women and children of the tribe.
The women are the givers of life, the children ensure the future of the tribe and way of being. Everyone in the tribe has their role to play to secure their future and to ensure they all thrive.
The elders advise the strongest leader for they have the experience and wisdom of the past. There is always a deep respect of the elders for they have often seen what others have not.
In modern times, their wisdom and experience is thrown disdainfully away. They are simply seen as old and slow and yet, it is in this slowness that their greatest gift lies.
They can observe and see what is happening around them. They can predict the changes that are coming, both good and bad. Not all elders are wise and thoughtful but many more than we realise are.
They can provide great service to humanity, just given the chance. Part of their gift is to let the young ones make their own mistakes. Often the same mistakes they made as a youngster.
But the young ones will never listen or learn. They believe they know it all and things are different today but they are not. The same cycles happen over and over and the lesson can be learnt and not repeated.
This is just another way to improve life on earth for everyone. In ancient times and even today in certain cultures, the elders are greatly respected and listened to.
They uphold traditions and the tribes way of being. For without them, our history is lost forever. When our history is lost then so are the lesson and mistakes.
When these two vital things are lost then humanity makes the same mistakes again and again. And for this reason, humanity does not evolve or progress for they are so full of fake knowledge that they cannot see the truth.
They fully believe their perception of the world and believe it is the only one that exists and that it must be true and the way to be. The elders on the other hand have seen it all.
They have seen that your perception is only one view but in this world, there are millions of perceptions of how different humans experience life.
They all see life for what it is from their own perception. They do not consider others. They have no empathy or understanding for others way of being and so their wisdom and knowledge is greatly reduced.
Their experience is very limited. In this way, when they become old, they are not wise and experienced for they did not live a full life.
They were not open to new ways of being. They were not open to understanding and seeing others and their ways of being. They only saw themselves.
For us to become great and wise elders, we need to experience as much as possible and share our knowledge with the world. While it may be ignored by most, it will help a few and that in itself will serve humanity for the good.
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