In the vastness of the universe, the 13 original creators look across everything. They alone can see the multiple, parallel universes in play. They see the multiple time lines running simultaneously.
They see the different paths that different beings take and the results and consequences. They see those that create love in their universe and they see those that create misery and suffering.
They see those striving to be the best version of themselves. Always striving to break free and explore and discover what is beyond their imagination. Pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
Trying to discover what is truly out there. While others live in fear, terrified of what is out there. Terrified of discovering their true power.
Terrified of discovering who they really are and their capabilities. And then there are those they skip between parallel universes like walking through different doorways.
Experiencing different realities at the drop of a hat. Conversing with their parallel self. Learning and teaching each other. Understanding how the universe really is.
Understanding that everything is limitless. Everything is available. Every experience, ever reality. Good and bad is freely available to every being if they choose it and want it.
But fear of the unknown is the greatest driver to staying small and insignificant. Seemingly safe and yet the opposite. Like hiding in a building in a war zone because it feels safe until a bomb blows the entire building into nothingness.
Obliterated into a million pieces. Energy and life gone in a second. Their greatest fears created and realised into reality. The universe obliges their manifestation to the full.
The being's energy going back to the start once more to try again. Reborn into whatever reality they choose. Will it be one of abundance or one of suffering.
Will they realise their purpose or battle through their next life as with the last. Will they explore and discover the truth about their existence or will they limit their imagination.
Will they ask scary questions regardless of their fear or will they succumb and try to remain small. Doing only what they must.
In a parallel universe, they explore, they discover and they live a life which is far superior to their one in their current universe of fear and insignificance. All beings are equally powerful. All beings are God.
All beings have everything available to them. All beings live in multiple, parallel universes simultaneously. But they also have choice and free will.
They can drive their Ferrari at 20 miles an hour on a dirt road, terrified of damaging it. Unaware that their Ferrari is indestructible and capable of driving and 100 miles an hour on that same dirt road.
The metaphor for not knowing your own power and access to limitless abundance of anything and everything. Stuck in your reality of suffering and struggling. Day in and day out.
Like living in a huge chocolate and sweet factory but eating stale bread you find at the back of the cupboard in the kitchen. Completely unaware of what is available to you if you only opened your eyes and your heart and your mind.
You would suddenly see the reality of where you are and what is available to you. But that fear still holds you back. What if. What if I am meant to be small and suffer.
What if my suffering makes me significant and gets me attention from other suffers. We try to out suffer each other. Who is suffering the most. Who is the most fearful.
Who wins the honor of being the one we all feel the most sorry for. The one we shed a tear for.
Years tick by and you get older. And yet, what is truly available to you is always there, waiting patiently. The universe is nothing if patient.
Like a wise man waiting for the king to let them into the castle so that he may bestow his wisdom and gifts upon him. But the king refuses. Thinking it is a trap, thinking he is unworthy.
He keeps the wise man waiting for a lifetime, outside. And on his death bed, he finally lets the wise man into his world. Into his castle. The wise man looks down upon the dying king.
He reminds him that he waited for his whole life to show him what is possible. What he could have had. He shows the king visions of splendor. Visions of time travel, and travelling the universe.
Of creating whatever his heart desired. Of creating abundance for everyone in his kingdom. Of being loved and cherished for his kindness and generosity.
He showed the king his true greatness. The greatness that he never allowed to come through. His power of manifestation of everything and anything he could ever imagine.
He showed the king what he missed out on because he left the wise man out in the cold. Refusing to accept his power and gifts. The king groaned at his error. He now wanted all the wise man had to offer.
He begged him to heal him so that he could have it all. But, it was too late. The king was old and his time had come. The game was at an end. He would be reborn into a different reality. This one squandered.
A tear rolled down the face of the old king as he realised everything he had missed out on because of his fear of letting in the wise man who would have shown him his true self.
His fear of being shown what was possible in his life. But now, it was over. He had missed out.
Be the king who lets in the wise man. Be the king who wants to explore everything that is available to you in this world. Release your fear. Be brave, step up and take what is available to you.
Everything starts with your imagination and dreams. Dream bigger than you have ever done before. Everything is there, waiting for you to reach out and grab with both hands.
If you can imagine it, then you can have it. You just have to believe from a pure heart and it will be yours.
It would really make my day if you could like and share my writing to spread some positivity to as many people as possible. Thank you!
Appreciate you sharing @Alina Pitt 🙏🏼❤️
Beautiful Colin - thank you!
I loved reading your article 💕