Solar Eclipse
For millions of years, there has been a solar eclipse of the sun. The ancients used to get very scared of this phenomenon for they did not understand it.
It was unknown in their world.
Often, the priests of ancient times thought it was a sign of the end of the world and they would sacrifice many animals and humans to try and appease the gods for the sun to return once more.
And when it did as it always does. As it is natural for it to do. Then they would rejoice because they thought their sacrifices had worked and the gods were happy with them.
More importantly, the others could see the power of the priests and how vital it was for them to save them from eternal darkness.
Obviously this was not true. The stories where made up. From light, always comes darkness and from darkness, always comes light.
There is nothing to fear of either. However, with that said. There is a change in the vibrational energy on earth.
The moon has her own power and energy and when the sun sits directly behind her. Her energies are greatly increased and projected to earth.
Although, the vibrational energy shift occurs before the eclipse even begins. It could be an ancient fear that remains to this day.
A fear so powerful that it still remains to this day. Energy never dies. It simply transfers to another being or place.
This type of fear energy is not life giving but very dark. It remains from all the fear and sacrifices from our ancient civilisations.
Even in more recent times, only a few hundred years ago, there was still fear and anxiety around a solar eclipse.
So while, the reality is, a solar eclipse doesn't really mean anything, there is definitely a shift in energy that may or may not affect you for a few days.
There is nothing to fear but to understand that this energy is not yours to do anything with. It is simply to be aware of its existence and be kind to yourself.
Your inner demons love this kind of energy for it fuels them and allows them to plague your thoughts with doom and gloom.
But understand your thoughts and feelings are not real. They are made up. This fear based energy will subside once more as it always does.
And as always, there will be light and good energy coming to the fore and into your heart. Raise your vibration by pushing out your chest and filling your lungs with air by breathing deeply.
Imagine your heart expanding and projecting out it's love and power to the universe. Imagine that you raise above any negativity.
You float above your fear and negative thoughts. And they dissipate below you as you enter into your superpower of high vibrational love.
You are invincible in this state and it will empower you to do great things. You can access this state anytime you wish.
You can empower yourself anytime you wish. You can choose to be in this state and be full of light and love and shed any darkness and negativity.
Step into this vibration as you go through your day and notice the difference.