It was a beautiful summers day. I wanted to go for a long walk but I had some work to do. I had started to despise work because it took me away from what I loved doing.
I loved writing, I loved exploring, walking, seeing beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I being in nature. I loved training in the gym. And yet, here I was, having to deprive myself in order to do some necessary work.
But I knew, that deep down, I had to do what was necessary in order to continue doing what I love. Sure, the goal is to do what we love, all day every day. And we must not give up on that dream.
But we also have to put the work and effort in in order to get there. We have to do what it takes. But, it is also important to understand that you have to enjoy everything you do.
You may have a job you don't like doing but you have to find a way to make it fun. It is all about mindset and perspective. Understanding what is important.
Being clear about what is worth getting upset about and what is not. What will getting upset over something at work really achieve.
Will it make it better. Will people change because you are upset. Or do they simply not care. If you are upset and they don't care, you are literally wasting your time and energy. Don't do it.
Understand that they are doing the best they can. Perhaps they are struggling with something at home or fighting a persistent disease. Perhaps they battle depression.
Perhaps they hate their job and feel dead inside. Whatever it is, you being upset with them, won't help anyone's situation. So, take a deep breath and understand that it up to you to do the best you can.
It is up to you to find solutions. It is up to you to be aware of what you are focusing on. If you put your focus on people letting you down, then you will notice that people are always letting you down.
You will get angry, your temperature will rise and your vibrational energy will lower. If instead, you choose to remain in a high vibration.
You take a deep breathe, fill your heart with unconditional love and move forward towards your goals, regardless of what is happening around you. Then this is what will set you in good stead.
When you let this annoyances wash over you like they never happened. When you take away their power to affect you. To change your energy. To make you complain.
When instead, you keep your focus on what you really want. Then everything works out for the better. Life is all about learning these lessons.
It is about understanding the way of the universe. Understand the laws of the universe. Your focus creates your reality.
If you are always complaining, the universe gets the message that you always want things to complain about. When you catch yourself complaining, and decide not to.
You begin to change your energy. Your power shifts. It is not easy and it takes persistence and awareness.
I often feel that I really want to complain about something but when you let something like this go. It is incredible empowering.
When you feel the negative energy dissipate and dissolve into nothingness. You instantly feel better. You feel more focused and on track. It gives you a different perspective on life.
You don't see it as hard as perhaps you once did. You don't see it as difficult and challenging. You see it as exciting.
You discover this new power within you to deal with adversity. To brush it off and continue to move forward. You notice how your energy stays in that high vibration.
You see how you laugh more. You smile instead of getting upset. The next time you get upset with someone because of something they have done. Stop for a moment and ask yourself. Is this worth getting upset over.
Is it worth falling out with someone over. Is it worth falling out with a loved one over. Or, is it in reality, small and insignificant.
Is it something that you can take the energy out of, not make it personal about you (which it isn't) and just keep stay in a high vibration. Can you smile instead of growl with frustration.
Can you love instead of hate. Can you change your perception of the problem. Can you walk away. Can you focus on something beautiful in your life instead.
It takes a bit of practice. It takes a bit of will power. But it really does work. It really will change your life for the better.
And remember, that most of the time you are upset with something, they are either unaware, completely oblivious or simply don't care. Either way, the anger lies with you alone.
It doesn't serve you. It doesn't help you. So you may as well stop letting it live rent free in your head and dissolve the thoughts and feelings.
Focus on what you would love in your life. Focus on what brings you joy and fulfilment. Focus on spreading unconditional love to others. Especially to those that are clearly struggling.
Focus on staying in a high vibration of positive energy. Where you love life and deal with all the challenges and excitement that is thrown your way.
You're literally in charge of your life. It's all down to you. Don't blame others because things aren't going your way. Be creative and find a solution.
P.S. This will really make my day! Drop a comment, like, or share, it means the world to me, thank you!
This is my book on Amazon called Billion Dollar Hack. It’s an exciting thriller.
A wonderful reminder to love and accept what is 🙏🏻
Definitely true!