Another conversation with one of the original nine founders of the universe. We made many mistakes as we created different species around the universe.
We gave them time to evolve and expected them to become better entities. We imagined that they would always strive to evolve and become better.
However we were surprised to discover than many were happy just as they are. Their whole purpose in their existence was simply to survive. It's like they had no motivation to be or do anything different.
As long as they had what they needed to survive then they were to a degree satisfied. They didn't even strive to be happy and joyful.
They didn't strive to be fulfilled or seek out the meaning of their life. We nudged them and kicked them and even starved them and they just died off.
We realised sometime later that when we created humans they would suffer from the same condition. However, with the advent of free will, some would indeed strive to be better and to find out the reason for their existence.
They would awaken from their unconscious state of survival and realise that life had so much more to offer them. They would go after this and seek out what was truly possible.
It was these humans that we began to show a different side to life. Information from spirit guides who were thousands of years old and had immense knowledge.
The power of their heart and their ability to send love into the world and into the universe. The power of frequency and the effect it has on the human psyche and physical body.
The knowledge that they are the creators of their own life. The self-responsibility to create and go after what their heart would love them to do.
We planted a genius seed inside every single human and then watched to see who would be motived enough to find it. There are many geniuses in the world.
They have received much abundance in different forms from finding their genius. And yet, others are happy to just be as they are.
To suffer and struggle throughout their lifetime. Complaining and being a victim. Not realising for a moment that the more they complain, the more they get what they complain about.
They never for a moment consider that there are rules at play in the universe and how greatly it effects their own personal life. We can nudge them and give them a kick but it rarely works.
Humans have this thing about bad stuff happens in threes. It only happens in threes because it takes us three times to get a message through to them.
Such is their stubbiness. But again, it is down to free will which is our gift to the human species. They get to choose to follow the darkness or follow the light.
Every single human has this choice. I can tell you that even very financially successful people still live as a victim with everything happening to them.
They have more money than they know what to do with and yet they still complain bitterly about what they don't have. Never realising or understanding that they have the power and means to have whatever they want in the world.
So, my message for you today, is to take life by the horns. Do what you have always wanted to do. Follow your heart. Take action. No one is going to take it for you.
Go after what you love and we will provide it for you. We love doing this. Be in that high frequency we have taught you.
Be in a state of unconditional love to all around you. Continue to be kind and gentle. Continue to fight the darkness.
Great things await you just around the corner. You are so close. You just have to take the action. Follow the nudges we send you. Be open to trying new things.
Be open to taking some risks. Which in reality aren't actually risks. That risk simply lives in your head.
Be seen and be heard. Stop and listen to what to do next. Follow the breadcrumbs.
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Thanks for sharing Sandra :-) Appreciate it
Yep, sometimes: Just do it!! :D