In the time of the ancients, thousands of years ago. Mankind was still finding their feet in a harsh world. A world where every day was truly a test of survival.
Physical survival rather than mental survival that you face today. But in this harsh and very real environment, where you could die at any moment from a slip and a fall or becoming lunch for a lion or a bear.
There was a tribe that felt that life shouldn't be this hard. They knew deep down and from their instincts that their purpose in this world was not just to try and survive.
It was to thrive. They knew deep down they were creating something big. They were creating a whole new civilisation. But it was all down to them to start this new civilisation.
They firstly had to survive and then they had to build something that would last eternity. They started with the end in sight. They knew that their small tribe would grow large one day.
They knew that there would be good and bad people. Or there would be good people that made bad decisions. It was just how humans were. They knew they would need to create laws to abide by.
They needed good leaders. Leaders that were committed to the growth of this new civilisation and not just in it for themselves.
Not just trying to get what they could out of it but always putting the greater good first. What was best for the people, for the whole tribe.
Thy were connected to the spirits and the Gods for they gave them guidance. They told them what to do next. They told them how to punish those that were self-centered and destructive to the community.
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They believed in second chances but not third chances. Everyone was give guidance and the opportunity to change and evolve. If they choose not to then they would no longer be part of the community.
They would have to go out by themselves in to the wild and fend for themselves. Banishment if you will. If they survive 12 full moons then they could return.
Prove they had changed. Prove they were willing to do what it takes to serve others and not just themselves. Prove they were committed to thriving.
Prove their awareness and presence to how they were being and acting. Prove their heart was open. They were willing to love and be loved.
Everyone had to work together to create a thriving tribe. They all had responsibilities. They were all required to be the best versions of themselves. It wouldn't work any other way.
They couldn't create a whole new civilisation from scratch if they were hateful and lazy. If they were self-centered. But none of this was hard work. This was all joyful and fulling work.
This was taking action out of love. Tabias was the leader of this particular tribe. He was in his mid-twenties. Most people did not survive much past their mid-thirties in the early days.
Disease and injuries would catch up with them. But Tabias knew that the universe and the Gods wanted the best for them. They wanted them to live much longer in this world.
And so, he spent many nights praying and listening. Being guided as to what actions to take. He would then teach others. Different hunting techniques that were safer.
Different ways of gathering berries and fruits. Which of these were safe and which were dangerous. The point was that they had a very deep spiritual connection which was their source of guidance.
In today's modern world with technology and endless distractions, most of lost this ability to get their guidance. Their purity. They have been hurt so many times that their heart has closed.
They become disconnected. They become sad and depressed. And yet, all that was happening is that the universe was teaching them a lesson.
A lesson that would help them become a better version of themselves. Their highest self. A happier, more content and joyful self.
We are getting constant lessons from the universe.
Slow down.
Be present.
Enjoy the journey.
Be with your family more.
Love unconditionally.
Be kind.
Be thoughtful.
Be positive.
If we ignore the lesson then it is repeated again and again until we finally get it. Tabias was fully aware of this and taught it to others. Taught them to be more aware.
This all enabled the whole tribe to thrive and get bigger. It enabled his people to break off and form their own tribes further away. This was crucial for forming a new civilisation.
It was only those that understood the rules. That had a deep spiritual connection that could break away and form a new tribe. Taking the same laws and skills and knowledge with them.
But in today's world, this has all been lost. Leaders are only out for themselves and how they can make themselves rich. How they can create wealth and power for their family.
How they do not serve the people anymore but only themselves. The call is to get back to our deep spiritual connection. To seek guidance from our guides and God and the universe.
To seek to be good of heart again and to thrive. For everyone to thrive, not just the few. To be grateful and full of love for our world, our plants, trees, insects and animals.
For all of us to take responsibility and once again be committed to forming a new civilisation. A new way of being. Based on how we all started, many thousands of years ago.
This is my latest book on Amazon called Billion Dollar Hack. It’s an exciting thriller.
Check out my website for more info on my coaching and retreats
Loved the voice over. So nice to hear and connect. Love the ancient wisdom
Yes yes yes! And you can clearly see that the world is changing, evolving too slowly, which is beautiful ❤️. There's an avalanche of remembrance around the remember who we are, our connection to the universe/god and truth! The future seems exciting!