And yet I stare at this woman that has come to see me. She is sad and disillusioned. She doesn't fit in. She doesn't belong. She is confused by the world in general and the work place.
She ends up packing shelves for Tesco and yet, deep down she is a genius. But she has been taught to deny her own genius. Her own skills and talents that will serve the world.
She struggles, she gets pregnant and becomes a single mum. Abandoned once more to do it all on her own. She feels helpless and powerless. But she does her best because it is in her nature.
She loves her child and he brings her joy but it is also hard. It is hard fending for herself.
She has no friends, just a few acquaintances at work. People also suffering and struggling their life away.
She knows, deep them there must be more. There must be more to life. She gets angry all the time. Frustrated and tearful.
She doesn't speak to her parents. They are ashamed of her. Single mother, overweight, lowly job, what is there to be proud of.
Just another life statistic. Just more cannon fodder for the system. She beats herself up in her head, constantly. Telling herself how useless she is, how she deserves this life.
But then she remembers her beautiful child and she smiles. She feels her love blossom like an opening flower. It fills her with warmth and energy.
Suddenly she realises how her whole mind shifts when she feels love. She physically feels different. The negative self-talk stops. She feels lighter and more free.
But she wakes up the next morning and she feels sad. She sobs into her pillow. Another day, relentless.
But then she remembers the feeling she had last night and she wipes away her tears. She remembers how it felt to let love into her heart and her soul.
She remembers how it changed everything. And so, she chooses to feel that way. She notices how her child responds to her being happy and joyful and full of love.
Compared to when she is sad and miserable. She sees his face light up. A big grin and giggle. She loves this feeling. She loves this energy. She commits to feeling this way.
She decides in that moment to choose to feel this way. Both for her and for her child. She realises she in on control of how she feels.
People at work respond to her differently when she is in this vibration. Happy and smiling. She notices how things change for her. She gets a promotion.
She starts going on long walks and loses weight. She starts to eat better food. She sees how when she chooses to be loving and kind and happy and cheerful, that everything changes for her.
Her perception of life changes. She realises that when she looks after herself and puts herself first, everything changes. She stops that glass of red wine she used to have every night to cope with the world.
She notices all these little things she chooses to do, make her feel physically and mentally better.
And she notices that this was all a simple choice. A choice to let love into her heart. To focus on what she had and appreciated.
To realise she wasn't abandoned because she had a beautiful son. She realised the impact it had on him when she chose to be a better version of herself. It made him more joyful and happy and content.
In this new vibration of hers, she found she could handle problems much easier. She wouldn't get flustered and overwhelmed. She would just deal with whatever the problem was and move on.
Some of her work colleagues where drawn to her and others were jealous. But she realised it didn't bother her. It wasn't her job to be miserable so that she could fit in with the rest.
She didn't want to be a victim in life to just fit in. She sought out new friends. People that got her, that made her feel better about herself.
People she could have deep and meaningful conversations with rather than just complaining about life. She discovered how important it was to hang out with the right sort of people.
People that brought her up rather than pulled her down.
She was amazed at her new life, which all started because she let love into her heart and felt grateful for what she had.