In a time, many human years ago but a mere second in the timeline of the universe, there lived a man who was the head of his small tribe.
They had broken away from a bigger tribe after there was a disagreement around the punishment of a woman. She was angry and discontented.
She would lash out at others and sometimes even attack them. The tribe wanted to banish her or even have her killed for her unruly behavior.
However, this man we speak of, saw behind her anger and frustration and unruliness. He saw the pain she was suffering. He saw her struggling rather than simply trying to be as difficult as possible.
She was a victim of what had happened to her in either this lifetime or a previous one. He wanted to show her compassion and understanding but the main tribe was not willing to show this patience with her.
And so, this man took her and others that followed him away and into the wilderness to form their own tribe and society. This man knew that the woman needed healing.
He also knew that it wouldn't be easy for she had to be willing to listen and to change if she wanted a better life for herself. She had to be willing to face her demons head on in order to defeat them.
She was frankly terrified of doing this. But the man had patience and he knew that if he could help her then he could help others. He had to make her feel safe first of all.
That she wouldn't be attacked herself. It would all begin with talking. Not even about anything specific or deep but just getting her used to talking and opening up.
Talking about what she loved, who she loved. But she was in too dark a place to love anything, especially herself. She was a very long way from loving herself. She couldn't even contemplate it.
But the man was persistent and patient. Always there, willing to talk. They would all talk together. What he really wanted was a deeper connection with all of the people in his small tribe.
He wanted to understand their fears and their dreams. He wanted to know what was really going on for each of them. Find their strengths and weaknesses. Find their purpose in the world they lived in.
He wanted them to understand they needed to take responsibility for their life. It was down to them to take action and go after whatever it was that their heart desired.
He wanted them to get a sense of a fulfilling life. To experience joy and happiness. To understand that suffering was a choice and not compulsory. It wasn’t a badge of honor to suffer all the time.
He wanted them to connect to their ancestors from a spiritual perspective. To truly see what was available to them in this world and beyond.
It took time but slowly this woman opened up and spoke about herself. She explained how she had fallen in love with a boy. She had adored him and followed him around like a puppy.
Doing anything he wanted. Then one day, him and his friends had taken her into the jungle and raped her. They had abused and tortured her. Then they just left her there.
Hoping she would be eaten by a wild animals and never return to their tribe. They had said really cruel things to her and made her feel weak and powerless.
But she did survive and she crawled back to the village. Her parents refused to believe her. The boys ignored her because she was spoilt goods now in their eyes. She was damaged.
She became angry, depressed and frustrated. She was a victim of what had happened to her. She began to lash out as a way of dealing with her past trauma.
This is why she acted the way she did. She had been made that way. Our man recognised that something had happened to her and made her the way she was.
He showed compassion and understanding and knew that if she was committed to healing herself then she could still have an amazing life. She could let go of her past.
She could find her heart once more. She could find love. She could realise and understand the power of her heart. By letting go of her past, by no longer being a victim, by taking responsibility for her life.
She could now create a life she loved. She could spend the time and energy into finding out what her purpose was in the world. What her gifts and talents were for everyone had them.
She could move forward and find joy and happiness regardless of what had happened to her in her past. Her past trauma was complete. It was done. It no longer served her to think about it or worry about it.
She understood that her trauma lead her to this moment right now, where she could choose an even better life for herself than she could ever have imagined before.
She realised and learnt about how powerful she was. How powerful we all are. How, with a different way of thinking and being, she could lead a truly magical life.
She would become more grateful for what she was experiencing in her life today. Be that, her new friends around her. The beauty of lakes, rivers and mountains. The majestic nature of animals.
The more she focused on what she loved and was grateful for, the deeper she experienced joy and contentment. Her transformation was like that of a butterfly.
At one time, inch worming her way through life. Trying to stay alive. Suffering and struggling and now. As a beautiful butterfly, fluttering around, full of joy.
Appreciating everything around her. Being grateful and following her hearts desires.
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This head of the tribe's compassion and vision are truly inspiring. His ability create a safe, supportive community speaks to the power of true leadership. This story is a moving reminder of how patience and understanding can transform lives and help others rediscover their strength instead of living fear. From our darkest depths comes the light of love.
This is a beautiful story. There is hope for all of us ❤️🩹💪