Firstly, before you read any further, set your intention. We should always set our intention before we do something. What outcome do we desire. When we do things on purpose, we are more likely to get our end result.
But we have to know what end result we desire. For example, driving to work. Set the intention to have a great journey with no problems. So, just sit for a few moments, close your eyes and set your intention to get something positive out of this exercise.
That done, let's go. For most humans, life is very busy. That may be doing useful things, like working, looking after children, exercising and so on.
Or, it may just be busy scrolling on your social media platforms, watching TV, going out with your friends etc. playing online games.
Our perception of busy is dependent on how much time we have when we feel bored and don't have anything to fill that time with. Be that something useful or something that just kills time.
Either way, we have the perception that we are busy. We also feel that we deserve to do what we wish in our free time. We absolutely do, but it depends on what you are trying to achieve in your life.
The problem is that when you perceive you’re always busy then you will always feel that you are busy and have no free time. But what are you really doing with all your time.
In order to seek and find your true purpose in your life, you need to stop and pause.
Stop the rushing around doing things, whatever it happens to be and more importantly, stop all the noise in your head. For many, this is a big challenge but all impossible things are possible in some form.
It just takes the right mindset. There can be nothing more rewarding than finding and living your true purpose in this world. What we as humans, truly seek is fulfilment.
When we do something that we love do and we get a sense of fulfilment, then we are happy and content. We do not seek escapism because we already love what we do. We don't need to seek distraction, we are already fulfilled.
But to tap into that place that will help reveal what our purpose is, we need that pause and that peace. When our brains are running at 100 miles an hour then everything is too busy and chaotic to see what else is going on for us.
For many of us, being in nature will greatly help us find that moment of peace. For in nature, you can never be bored. There is always so much going on in the natural world that you don't need to seek distraction.
It is nature which is entertaining you. It will filled with unconditional love, it is filled with how things were designed to be. Nature is our home.
It is where we came from. It is our natural state of being. It grounds us. It is stress reliving because we are home again. Our ancestors spent all their time in nature. It was their home.
It is where and how we can connect back to our true self. Without all the noise and hustle and bustle of modern, western life. Now, we don't have to be in nature, if that is not an easy option but it helps.
It is also good to get away in to nature whenever you get the opportunity if you live in a big city. That grounding, reset is very healthy for the human body and mind.
Being able to ground yourself and quieten the mind, just as with meditation, allows you to hear what else is going on for you when the noise dies down.
How often have you remembered something that you have forgotten to do when you stop rushing around. When you are less stressed, your memory works better.
I remember being with an ex-girlfriend many years ago. We were on a short holiday that I was finding quite stressful. We were in Monaco after leaving the place we were staying at.
I was about to leave on the train to go to the airport as she was staying a few days longer.
As soon as I left her and was sat on the train by myself, I suddenly remembered that I had put my passport somewhere safe in the hotel room and left it there. I had to change my flight and head back to the hotel to retrieve it.
Being very tall, I had left it on top of the kitchen cupboards so it was unlikely anyone was going to find it anyway. But the point was the lesson.
I wasn't aware of how stressed I was and that I was forgetting things. When I did manage to finally relax on the train by myself, information that needed to get to me managed to get through. In the same way in our busy lives today.
We need to hit that pause button, be in that space of nothing to do and nowhere to be. That is when the gold can get through from our subconscious to our conscious.
Being in that relaxed state, also allows you to remember and think about what you love doing in your life. Often, as a child, we used to find things we loved doing. It could be writing, or playing a musical instrument or painting or drawing.
It would have been something very personal to you. It is not for me to put ideas into your head. Can think, in this moment of peace and tranquility what lights up your heart. What you love doing.
What gives you a sense of fulfilment. Write down what comes up for you. It can be one thing or it can be nothing. It may take you a few goes to really let go of your busy mind and worrying about everything that you need to do that you haven't done yet.
But through practice, you will relax more and more and you will start getting things coming through. You just need to give it the time and the space. This is what your life is really about.
It is not about how much money you can make, how big your house is or how many fancy cars you own. It is about fulfilment and love. It is about doing the things you love every day.
It may take some rearranging to get the time you do these things you love. But remember, you always have more time than you think you do. It is a case of prioritizing what you do with your time.
If you can begin with spending a short amount of time doing something you love every day and then build it up to doing more and more. The true goal is to do what you love and get paid for it.
Doing a job that doesn't feel like a job because you love it. That is what you are seeking. And this may change over time as you get older. And that’s ok. And if in this point in your life, you have to do something you don't love it.
Then that’s ok but find a way to find enjoyment in whatever it is you are doing. Find a way to make the hard jobs, fun and exciting. I used to have to feed the mice and rats that my dad kept when I was living at home in Africa.
It wasn't a fun job but I made it into a competition for myself. I made it into something fun but redefining what I was actually doing. There were a lot of mice and rats to feed the many snakes we kept.
But don't let that deter you from this exercise. Remember, give yourself the space to remember what you love doing and you will live a life you love and not one where you are struggling and complaining and suffering.
Only you can make this happen, no one else can tell you what you love. And take action. Nothing will change in your life unless you take action.
P.S. Wanna make my day? Drop a comment, like, or share, it means the world to me!!!!
This is my website if you want to know more about what I get up to
This is my latest book on Amazon called Billion Dollar Hack. It’s an exciting thriller.
Colin- this is such great information. We all have 24 hours in the day.
The more mindful and deliberate we are - those 24 hours will become more meaningful and in better alignment with our personal priorities.
Let’s fuel ourselves better. ✨✨
True wisdom in here Colin. Great piece ✨