On this day, the truth about your life will be revealed to you. You will understand that what you thought your life was all about was in fact a lie.
Your truth and your life lie in a completely different direction. The truth of who you really are will be revealed to you when you finally decide to take that moment in silence and listen.
You finally decide to give up running away and hiding. You finally decide that maybe these is some sense in what Colin is writing. Maybe there is indeed another way of being.
And so, take that moment. Let go of everything you know. Let go of how you think the world is. Let go of expectations. Simply find a quiet spot to sit and just be.
Acknowledge the thoughts that swim across your mind and let them go. Acknowledge the fear and let it go. In this moment, there is nothing to do.
There is just the call to be completely present in the moment. Take a pen and paper and write down what comes up for you. Do not think about what you are writing.
Do not try and steer the writing in a certain direction. Simply write from your heart and whatever comes through. You will know what is true. Just make it up.
There is no right or wrong. There is no success or failure in this exercise. There is just being present and writing.
When you feel there is no more coming through, ask the question. Is there anything else that I need to know. See if more comes through for you.
Even if you have no idea what to write, just start writing. Even if it appears to be gibberish, just write. Trust in the process. Let go of any emotions hanging on.
Let go of feeling silly doing this exercise. Just write whatever comes through for you. You don't need to know why or how. Write down the first thing that comes to you.
Don't question it. Don't argue with it in your head. You can even ask questions if you are facing a particular dilemma.
What should I do about this situation.
What should I do about this problem that I have in my life.
See what comes through. Don't second guess what is coming through. I would love to hear from you what you wrote down. What you uncovered.
Do not fret if you don't get anything helpful. Tomorrow, choose a better moment to try the exercise again. A moment when your mind is quieter, when there is quiet and peace around you.
Drink water first. This will cleanse you. This will purify your communication channel.
Just listen and write. Feel free to share it with me if you want a deeper understanding of what has come through for you.