Ah, what a magical world you humans all live in and yet, you are totally unaware of it. You are unaware of the magic all around you. Some of you are.
Some of you are up for expanding your minds and your universe that you live in. You see, currently, most of the human population live in a very small world. They see but they do not feel.
They live their lives, mostly surviving rather than actually living. They struggle and battle their way through. Having good day and bad days. Or perhaps some good moments.
Slowly making progress. Some more than others. Everyone talking about a new year that doesn't actually exist. Time itself only exists in the human mind. It is something that has been created.
If you could drop a comment, like, or share, it means the world to me, thank you! I really want my words to help as many people as I can.
It is something that makes your world smaller. It constrains you from reaching your full potential. It constrains you from seeing what is really in front of you. Time itself is a control mechanism.
It tells you when to go to bed, when to wake up. When to go to work, when to have lunch, go home and so on. Time can be useful but it can also be used as a weapon. What would you do in a world without time.
If you didn't celebrate your birthdays every year. If you didn't celebrate Christmas or New Year, how would this change your life. You would never know that you are a year older for a start. Would life be better or would it be worse.
But this is just one aspect to be aware of. To question. To consider an alternative, parallel universe where time doesn't exist. Just night and day and moon cycles. How our ancient ancestors used to live.
Something else to consider is how else our ancients lived. In a time before time. They had technology at their fingertips we have no clue about in these modern times. They had direct access to the universe.
To the energy of the universe. To the limitless nature of the universe. You see, you each live in your bubble. Sure, you may get information about something happening on the other side of the world but you are not directly experiencing it.
You are not experiencing a hurricane in another State or another country. You're just relieved it is not happening to you and destroying your own home.
But what if, you were living in a very cold climate, but you could experience the warmth of the sun on your face and body. As it you were living on a Caribbean island.
Just for a moment. Imagine, just for a moment, having the ability to transcend to this place. Close your eyes and imagine it. Imagine what it would smell like, imagine the salty taste of the warm sea water.
Imagine the feel and texture of the sand between your toes. The warmth of the sun on your body. The whole experience. A cold drink in your hand. What drink would it be.
Would you be eating pineapple or water melon. Or something else. Would you be alone or with your partner. Would you be with a girl or boy you fancy. Or with all your friends or family.
Just sit and create this beautiful experience. Imagine that you are there in this moment, right now. Now imagine that you had the power to create these experiences for yourself, not just around the world.
But in the universe. On different planets, different solar systems. How far could you stretch your imagination. Is it scary. Imagine you have this ability. Our ancient ancestors did.
You just have to remember. It is within your DNA. The memories are there, you just have to learn to access them. Now imagine or remember that all of this is available to you right now.
A few minutes ago, your reality consisted of what you knew was happening around you. In your village or town or city. In your immediate surroundings.
But actually, the reality is, you have access to the world whole and the whole universe. Try to imagine just how big the world and the universe really is. It is limitless.
One of the laws of the universe is it is limitless. There are no limits to its size, its resources, the number of beings that live within it, plants, spiders, ants, trees, animals. It is all limitless.
And as you are part of the universe, so are you limitless and so if your imagination. Why don't you practice writing a short description of an experience you would create for yourself.
Like the one above in the Caribbean or one where you are visiting an extra-terrestrial species in another solar system. It is all in your imagination, so just make it up.
Go crazy and wild because the only rule is, that there are no limits as to what you can create. Just really feel it deeply. Feel like you are there in this moment right now.
The more you play with this, the eaiser it will become and the more real the experiences will become.
This is all about getting back in touch with our ancient ancestors and having access to what they had access to. We may see ourselves as advanced but I promise you, it is nothing compared to the technology you used to have.
Both physically and more importantly, spiritually. Go and play, I would love to read what comes up for you.
If you could drop a comment, like, or share, it means the world to me, thank you! I really want my words to help as many people as I can.
This is my book on Amazon called Billion Dollar Hack. It’s an exciting thriller.
Thanks for sharing @Anne Bellamy
For me pineapple over watermelon. The idea of limitlessness brings me back to the early 90’s.