There are things in this world that will one day be revealed to you when you are open to receiving them. You will understand that everything that you see and feel is not real.
There is a system in place that has been designed to control and predict future events. There is a narrative and an agenda by those in power.
Not the politicians but the ones in power that tell them what to do. That tell them what narrative to spread.
It goes way beyond money. At a certain level, money becomes irrelevant. It is about power and control. The power to make things happen.
There is always a bigger picture in play. There are things that you experience in your life and believe life is a certain way.
If someone asked you to describe life on earth, you would explain it as you see it from your perspective.
But consider someone who lives in the slums in India or a small village in Africa. They will have a totally different perspective of live and experience it in a totally different way. Not necessarily worse.
And then there are those with limitless money and power and they will see life in a different way again. And then there are those above them.
They deal in manipulation, they start wars, they treat the world as their playground. They set actions in motion that keeps everything predictable and controllable.
They especially create events to keep people distracted and stressed. For in this state, it is much easier to control people. When people are in fear they become compliant.
Between fear and a carrot. i.e. a magical life awaits you with fancy cars and a huge house, people will do whatever you tell them.
When you take away people's self-responsibility and do everything for them and tell them what to do. Then they comply for it is within their nature.
You give them drugs to keep them calm or create addictions to keep them coming back. You create criminals to blame for your own hidden agenda in the background.
People hate the starving man on the street who has to steal some money from you to get food or even drugs he is addicted to. He is just trying to survive on the streets. He is trying to stay alive.
But it has all been caused by a trillionaire that you will never see. For they are up to things way beyond your comprehension.
To be human, is not to be a self-thinking individual. You are simply a small piece of a big puzzle. A tiny cog in a large engine just like in the corporate world.
A world that that people leave so that they can feel empowered and free. And yet, we live our daily lives in this corporate world. It is just so big that we don't recognise it for what it is.
With limitless money and time being spent on how to change people's way of thinking by altering their brain chemistry. By putting 'stuff' in their food and water.
By guiding their thoughts and feelings via images and videos and little sayings on social media platforms.
When you step back and take a 10 000 foot view, you may be lucky enough to see what is really going on. When you question everything, you may be lucky enough to see a slither of the real truth.
Once you have a person's attention then you can begin the manipulation process. Just show them stuff they like. Silly cat videos, people doing stupid things and so on and you have them.
Porn gets people's undivided attention. It comes down to giving people what their brain craves most, Dopamine. Little hits of fun, happiness and excitement.
All completely controlled and guided. All done on purpose. People speak with great certainty about something they know nothing about.
Archaeologists speak about past events as if they were there but they've completely made it up. But they are the experts. Now imagine this fact in every aspect of life.
Everyone is just making it up as they go along. Everyone is chasing their dopamine hit. Everyone wants to be rich and famous.
Yet, most famous people just want to do something normal and be free of attention. But those adoring fans give them their dopamine hit and they can't be without it.
And people love their drama. It makes them significant. People listen to them when they have self-created drama. Subconsciously created on purpose.
For then they have people attention and they get their hit of dopamine. And those that rule the earth. Those we do not see or know of.
They know that humans crave that addictive dopamine hit and they provide it in many different ways. And they weponise it.
They use it to control everything and everyone and we fall for it. Hook, line and sinker. We allow ourselves to be controlled and manipulated because it means we get our hit.
We're all just drug addicts living on a rock flying through space.
True freedom, true wealth starts by breaking free of this need. This addiction. True freedom always draws us back to nature. Which cannot be manipulated or changed.
It can but it is easy to notice. It is in the raw purity of nature that we can find our true selves and start to understand the real power we possess.
It is without technology that we see how the world used to operate. In a pure, non-manipulated way. In a way where love ruled. Our hearts led the way.
We were connected with the land and the animals and we wanted for nothing but food and love. When we return to our very basic form, we will start to see the world for what it really is.