When we see and treat each other as equals, we experience a different way of being. We don't see others as good or bad.
We just see someone in their own life. Enjoying the ups and joy and struggling with the ebb and flow of the different turns their life takes.
Even those that appear to be very successful from a money perspective or from a loving family perspective. All have ebbs and flow in their lifetime.
They may make some really bad choices in their life that they live to regret. But this is the way of life. We spend it making good choices and bad choices.
Sometimes those bad choices have devastating consequences. But that is life. There are constant lessons to learn.
There is a constant creation of a past that everyone gets to choose to let go of or allow to hold them back in their future. But there is no future, there is only this moment right now.
Be aware of what choices you are making all the time. Stop and think for a minute before more important choices.
When we realise that we are actually free to make any choice we wish to regardless of our past. We understand that we don't need to check in with our past before we make a new choice in this moment.
Our past is over. It is complete. It may physically affect us but it doesn't have to mentally affect us. The only thing we need from our past is the lesson.
Don't repeat the same choices if they don't serve you. Don't keep sleeping around if you don't actually get any fulfilment from it and it causes more pain than good.
As Einstein said, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing, over and over again and expecting a different result. Only you can change this.
Only you can take responsibility for your own actions and understand how they affect you and others.
I'm reminded of a lot of scammers that spend all the time trying to trick and steal other people's money. They have no perception of the life the other person is leading.
They themselves are living as a victim and so they believe that others are to blame for their circumstances and therefore others should pay them to have a better life.
They are firstly shocked when they get to understand the devastation they have caused to others. Sometimes even suicide of their targets.
They then become an even bigger victim and blame their circumstances and everyone around them and the world for what they had to do. It wasn't their fault.
But when we all act in this way, can you see the resulting society we have created. The second they take responsibility, all emotions dissolve and they can now make new and clear choices. Choices that do not harm others.
They can use their creativity to find solutions to their problems in their life without causing harm to others. Without blaming others and the world for their own, often self-created problems.
So be awake and clear about the choices you are constantly making every day. What is the desired outcome. The end result you would love.
How will it affect others. In this moment, could you make a better choice of how you are being and acting.
How are your choices affecting your relationships. What could you do better. How could you treat others better in order to get your desired end result.