Confidence is a funny thing. Many capable people have no confidence and many incapable people have an overflow of confidence. This means that we live in a world where people who are incapable of doing a job well, think they are amazing at it.
This results in them doing a bad job for others which hurts people. But they have so much confidence so they are indeed delusional in their ability. This has a detrimental effect to the world.
In contrast, people who would be very capable at that same job, don't have the confidence to do it and so the world misses out on their genius. Confidence is, in reality, a made up thought.
You think and believe that you are confident. It is not a physical thing that you can buy or receive.
Generally, through studying a certain subject for many years will give you confidence in the fact that you can teach this to others or earn money from the skill you have learnt.
So by learning a subject, will give you a certain amount of confidence. However, you can be a genius at a certain subject but if asked to step up on stage in front of hundreds of people and talk about it.
Well, that is a totally different matter. And yet, someone else who only grabs a few concepts of what you know, can happily stand up on stage and tell everyone what little they know and appear to be an expert.
The point is, we have a genius within who is not embracing our skills and experience. And we have someone else who is, for intents and purposes, a charlatan.
They cause more damage from their lack of skill and telling everyone about it, than if they did nothing. In the world you live in today, many people have the opportunity to stand up and be heard.
Even if it is for the wrong reasons. But such is their desperation to be validated, that they will do anything. They will convince themselves they know their subject matter.
In fact, these days, people don't even need to know the subject. They can simply grasp bits and pieces from the internet and pretend to be an expert. But they do poses that gift of confidence.
This proves that confidence is not a real thing. It is made up in our thoughts and feelings. It is not tangible. You already know that you have the actual skills and talent in your subject matter.
You simply have to remember that you are confident in taking these skills to others and teaching them or helping them. It is a case of remembering that your higher self is confident and self-assured.
That you need or seek no validation. That you are good enough as you are. That you are capable. That you are loved by the universe and God. And many others.
It is your duty to bring your genius to the world. The world needs your genius. The world will be a better place when skilled people like you, stand up and are heard.
People will instantly recognise you for you authenticity. They will see that your confidence is real and not an illusion. Your job is just to be your authentic self, not overthink by making stuff up in your head which is not real.
Simply remember who you really are and share your knowledge, skills and genius with the world to make it a better place. We all have a genius within us.
Finding it is a skill in itself. But then we have to share it with others. Self-confidence is something that is there now. However, we then second guess it and make up stories in our head that tell us we are not as good as we think.
We forget our own power. Remembering that you are powerful is that first step towards self-confidence. Structure is the other key component. They fact that you have lived and learnt your skill over time is the structure.
Step into the higher vibration, higher frequency of your authentic self. Without all the made up stories trying to pull you back down. In this state of being, you are full of self-confidence and a deep knowing of your skills and experience.
This is my latest book on Amazon called Billion Dollar Hack. It’s an exciting thriller.
Confidence isn’t tangible. It can be fleeting. Loved this.
Excellent article!