Everything you have in your life has been a subconscious choice that you made at some point. It may have even been before you were born.
You see, when you are selected to have another human experience, you get to choose what kind of life you would love to have. In the beginning, everyone just wants to be rich and powerful.
But we soon learn that this is not actually the best experience. It may be fun the first few times (lives) but it is not challenging and rewarding.
You don't have to work for anything and earn anything. It is all just handed to you on a plate. There is no challenge in that.
You end up doing crazy things in order to try and seek excitement and do interesting things.
Choosing a different experience, for example, a ‘lack of’ one. This entails seeking, working out how to work hard and create a life for yourself from scratch.
This is a much more challenging life but it has a lot more rewards when you succeed. Life on earth, is, as always, a game. A complex game but a game none the less.
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When you choose the ‘lack of’ experience then you have a few different weaknesses as you would in a game. When you start to make money, you sabotage yourself and your success.
You do something stupid or make a bad decision or do something crazy. In this way, you lose what you have and have to rebuild.
This is because the ‘lack of’ experience is working in the background and on a subconscious level for your human self.
When and if you finally become aware of this running in the background then you can start to make different choices. You can catch yourself before you self-sabotage.
You become aware of patterns running in your life that cause you to always be struggling and never have what you want. You may get a great job and then find a way to lose it.
Either directly or indirectly. Remember that you are creating your life all the time. Through every action or inaction. Through every thought and feeling. This all creates your human experience.
In order to change your ‘lack of’ experience that you choose in the beginning, you need to change your thoughts and feelings for a start.
A lot of this begins with how you feel about money. You think it is bad and that evil people have a lot of it. The reality is that every human is a player. They have just mastered certain aspects of the game better than you have.
They have found a way to have a lot of money which helps them do others things. But money is not the only aspect of the human experience as you well know. It is just one.
But it is one that you can master yourself and change that ‘lack of’ experience. Understanding that money is a consequence, is a result. You can see that you need to change your energy around money.
Money in itself is energy. It is a bit like a magnet. You attract money energy when your mind and energy are in the right place. It is a specific frequency.
Learning this and learning what type of energy attracts money will greatly change your fortune. It involves doing some deep thinking and creating the awareness of how you truly think about money.
We can all claim to want to have billions of dollars but the reality is that each of us think very differently about money. We think it represents certain things, be that good or bad.
We think it has conditions. But it is just energy. It relates to the ability to freely accept it, both on a conscious and subconscious level.
Often, humans have a belief system where they are not good enough or not worthy of having lots of money.
They truly want lots of money and are truly ready to receive it but the belief system of not being good enough is much stronger. It overrides our desire for more money.
And so, we continue to struggle along, never quite having the money we want but also totally unaware of why.
Understanding the different layers in place that prevent us having what we want, help us see what we have to let go of.
We carry around the energy of lack of, or not good enough, or unworthy. And yet, we want a shiny new Ferrari on the driveway of our big, beautiful house.
It is in congruent to think that a person who doesn't feel good enough in themselves. That doesn't feel worthy. That talks negatively to themselves in their head all the time.
How can a person with those thoughts and feeling be deserving of having lots of money and lots of nice things. Obviously they don't and so they don't have those things.
Changing their perspective, changing their energy and frequency. Finding ways to be happier, to be more content, to be more joyful. To be more loving. To be less angry at the world.
To not be a victim. To find enjoyment in everything they do. This is the kind of energy that will help you get more money and feel more fulfilled in your life.
Being aware of negative self-talk. Being aware of those internal belief systems that override positive ones. When you sense and feel and are aware of those belief systems in play.
You can let them go. And you can understand that they are not real but simply made up and false. This is the key to changing your life for the better and to have more of what you would love in your life, rather than less.
Thanks for sharing @Natasha 🙏🏼☺️
Thoughtful, truthful and so important. Thank you for writing this :)