In ancient times, there was a young boy who used to play with his friend every day. She was younger than him by a year or two but they got on like a house on fire.
He was always teaching her practical things like lighting a fire and hunting. What berries she could eat in the forest. She was teaching him about the heart and love and kindness.
They were too young to be in love from an adult sense of the word but they were definitely in love from an innocent and pure kind of way.
One day, there was a thunderstorm. The young girl was very scared. The two of them had been playing outside when the thunderstorm suddenly hit. They had run inside the nearest hut to sit it out.
The rain lashed down ferociously and the lightening was cracking loudly outside. They young boy was worried their hut would be struck and the hut would catch on fire as he had seen before.
If the hut caught fire, the two of them would surely perish. He told his best friend that they needed to leave the safety of their hut and go somewhere safer.
The young girl refused as she was terrified of the rain and lightning outside. The boy had to find a way to convince her to move despite her fear.
He told her that he understood her fear and her sense of danger about going outside. But he said, the worst thing we can do right now is nothing. We have to act despite our fear.
We have knowledge. Valuable knowledge that will save our life but if we don't use that knowledge and take action, then we may not live to play and have fun tomorrow.
There is nothing worse than having the knowledge and not taking action when you know in your heart that you need to. No one else is coming to save us, we have to be brave, face our fear and go outside into the storm and into the forest.
It will be safer there than in this exposed hut with its grass roof. The girl shuddered with fear. She knew he was right but her fear kept her stuck to the floor.
He reminded her that they loved each other. That he would never let anything bad happen to her. He asked if she trusted him. She looked at him with her big brown eyes as she hugged her knees to her chest and nodded slowly.
She was coming round to the idea that it was inevitable for them to go out into the storm. A tear trickled down her cheek. He reminded her how fear is low vibrational energy that she always taught him about.
You also have the knowledge within you. You also know that we have to leave this place. She realised the wisdom of his words and with a great force, she broke free of her fear that kept her pinned to the floor.
She stood up and with fierce determination on her little face, grabbed his hand and said, "let's do this". They opened the door of their hut.
It was so windy outside that it nearly ripped the door right off its hinges. The young girl shrunk away from the door, seeing just how ferocious it really was. Even the boy hesitated briefly but he got the powerful voice in his head. "You need to go now".
He knew that voice was the universe giving him a nudge. A nudge that would save their lives. He squeezed the girls hand tight and then pulled her with him, out into the raging storm.
They got soaked to the skin in an instant. It was cold as well. They could see forks of lightening lighting up the sky. They saw it strike a tall tree in the distance and it burst into flame.
It was so bright that they had to shield their eyes. They kept low as they ran across the clearing towards the forest. The adults were nowhere to be seen. They were either in their huts or in the forest already.
The young boy didn't know, but his priority was to get his friend safe first. They dashed towards the forest and dived into the thick undergrowth. There were plants with huge leaves that they could hide under.
The whole forest was wild with noise and branches and trees whipped backwards and forwards. They went deeper into the forest where it was more sheltered.
Suddenly they heard a loud crack behind them. They stopped and looked behind them. The hut they had been sheltering in and just been hit by lightning and the roof was on fire.
Lightening always stuck the tallest object and their hut was large and in a clearing. It was an obvious target. The girl burst into tears in the realisation that her friend had saved her life.
She hugged him as tight as she good, tears streaming down her face. Not that you could tell as they were both soaked to the bone anyway.
The young boy hugged her back and then peeled her off so that they could try and find some kind of shelter within the dense forest. He began to look for some large leaves they could hide under.
There were rivulets of water everywhere but the thick canopy above them was stopping most of the rainfall. It was not lost on him that the powerful voice in his head and saved both their lives.
He knew it was his intuition and he was grateful how his grandmother had taught him how to listen to it. The two youngsters hugged each other to keep warm as they sat under a makeshift shelter.
The boy hoped that the storm wouldn't last too long as it would be difficult to build a fire with everything being so wet.
His best friend, exhausted from all the emotions of having faced her fears and seeing how if she hadn't, they would probably both be dead now, fell asleep in his arms.
Snuggling up with warmth. She felt eternally grateful for having found her soul mate at such a young age. She had a vision of them being together for their life time and bringing up beautiful children.
She smiled to herself and snuggled a little closer as she fell into a deep sleep, knowing she was safe in that moment.
It would really make my day if you could like and share my writing to spread some positivity to as many people as possible. Thank you!
You can see books I have written via this link to my website
Wonderful story about overcoming fear :)
A touching story, Colin. Thank you. 🙏