The truth lies deep within each of us. It comes from our DNA, from our encoding over many thousands of years. Humans have self-limited beliefs about themselves and their history.
They have dreams and aspirations of achieving what they did in previous lives and yet are held back by their self-limiting beliefs.
It takes a human lifetime to learn and understand what's possible and what's available to us.
The problem is that by the time we realise and understand this, we have become too old to do anything about it.
That is why this time in your life, right now is so important. It is so vital that you wake up and understand that time is passing very quickly for you and I.
We have infinite knowledge deep within us that we need to access now in order to live a life way beyond anything we can even imagine.
We have all been taught and brain washed as children to fit into the human system. The system where we do what we're told. Get a job, earn money, work hard.
Pay lots of money into the system that feed the few powerful and controlling ones at the top.
There is no freedom in this. Do you not see that most of you work all year for just a few weeks off holiday. Yes, you may or may not earn lots of money and get some nice stuff.
But it is not real life. It is not freedom. Money doesn't buy freedom. It traps you into a never ending web that never lets you go.
Yes, in your world, you do need some money to get started but can you imagine the amount of money that you have wasted on buying stuff and junk you don't need.
The amount of money you have drunk away or smoked into thin air.
If only you had clarity at a young age, you would see that spending your time and energy on expanding your mind and being healthy is the most important things that you can do.
Ancient civilizations where significantly more spiritual and connected than we are today. They were always in nature, connecting to their higher self.
Imagining what was possible in their human form. Today, we are all simply scratching the surface of what is possible.
We live our whole lives without fully reaching our potential. The universe is constantly teaching us lessons. Some we learn and some we do not.
Everything happens to us for a reason. Every little thing is there to teach us a better way of being. But you can only see these lessons if you are awake and aware.
You can only see these lessons if your mind is not clouded with drama and distraction. Binge watching rubbish TV programs that literally kill your brain cells.
Drinking, smoking, scrolling on social media. The list is endless of human invented distractions. All designed to either benefit someone else or keep us small thinking and in a box.
A box of compliance. Are we any better than sheep and cows in a field. Waiting for our impending doom. Simply serving others needs before we are slaughtered.
Are we just pawns in a game played by gods. No, we are not. We are powerful beings. We are all ancient beings who have thousands of past lives.
We have deep knowledge and memories within all of us of our past but while we live in distraction, we cannot access this information.
While we are penned in and doing the bidding of our leaders, we cannot grow and evolve into the being we were supposed to be.
There are many more advanced beings in the universe. Many more species that we do not see and yet they see us and they watch us. They see our daily struggles and self-destruction. Our self-sabotage.
They watch us missing out as we fight and battle for all the wrong things in our lifetimes. They see us being taken advantage of by our systems. They see us, incredulously supporting the very systems that destroy our selves.
Arguing and fighting over which lying, deceitful, self-serving human we wish to lead us. Believing they are the next saviour.
Remember that once upon a time, Adolf was the saviour of Germany. He was the answer to all their problems and they gave him their keys and hearts to do with as he pleases. Which is exactly what he did. Look how that ended up.
There are no saviours in your world apart from yourself. You are the only one who will save yourself. You are the only one who can choose to live a better life.
To educate yourself in what matters. To be more connected to others. To connect to all other creatures. To expand your mind and let go of what doesn't serve you.
To be aware of what distracts you. And instead to seek a fulfilling life, driven by love, gratitude and expanded consciousness. To seek what is possible.
To dream bigger than you have ever imagined and make those dreams a reality. To understand that you are responsible for your life and it is down to you to create a life you love.
To be aware of the lessons being shown to you by the universe. To break free of your sheep pen and run like the wind to find a life you love.
"Be aware of what distracts you". Well said, because I think that sums it all up. Being aware is the key step number one to break out of the hamster wheel.
You are the only one who will save yourself. <--- Bingo!
It is never too late to learn this. Starting from now is the right time. 👍💪✌️🙏😊