In the times of the ancients there was a young boy foraging by himself in the forest. He was far too young to be hunting by himself but he was very adventurous and often left the safety of his small village to go out by himself.
He ignored the warnings of his parents. You see, this little boy had a very close connection with the animals. He had slept, lying against a bear and a lion and among a pack of wolves in the past.
There was something about this little boy that the animals loved and felt no threat. They didn't want to eat him either. There was something about his energy.
They knew, that in the future, this little boy would grow up to be a man and then he would fight to save them and save their young.
The animals saw the boy and his journey as a prophecy. It filled them with hope and joy and love. It couldn't be explained but it just was. In return, the animals never went near his village or hunted their sheep or cows.
In fact, the animals knew, that if they asked, the boy would lead a sheep or cow for them to feast on. But they also knew he would get into trouble and they didn't want that.
The boy lifted their spirts. He raised their vibration and them, his. It was something magical and spiritual. It was unconditional love for one another.
On this day, the boy was fishing by the river. Although it hurt him, he still had to bring food for his family and feed himself.
The fish knew this, and they knew that in the big picture, their sacrifice was going to be worth it. The animals all understood the way of the world. The natural way of life and death.
The way the whole ecosystem thrived. They understood that they would come back, possibly in a different form or possibly as a fish once more. It didn't matter.
They trusted Gaia and her plan. While the boy fished, he noticed a bear limping towards him, close to the river. He immediately stopped and rushed towards the bear to see what was wrong.
But this was no bear. This was a man dressed in bear skins. The man reeked of evil and death. His leg was wounded and there was blood dripping down it.
The boy stopped suddenly when he realised his mistake but the man gestured for him to approach. The boy did not want to. The man spoke to him in a foreign tongue.
He didn't understand but he could feel the energy and that was all he needed to know. He wanted to run away and back to his village but he didn't want to lead this evil stranger back to his village.
And so, rather than run away, the boy stayed and let the man come to him. As soon as he was close enough, the man dressed in his stinking bear clothes suddenly lunged at the boy and grabbed him by his hair.
The boy let out a yelp of surprise and pain. The man gestured at the fish that the boy had caught and mimicked them cooking and being eaten. The boy understood that he would have to cook them for this man.
He scurried about, getting some fire wood and started building a fire. The man had shown the boy his small throwing axe and made it clear that if the boy ran away, he would throw the axe at him and kill him.
The boy was frightened of this strange man but he also knew that he had the animals on his side and they wouldn't let anything happen to him.
In fact, he suspected that a squirrel or a rabbit was on their way to tell the lion or bear about what had happened.
As the night drew in and the two of them huddled by the fire for warmth, the man made the boy dress his wound. The boy had learnt this at a young age for they lived in a dangerous world and these skills were always needed.
The man tied a long piece of narrow rope around the boys ankles so that he couldn't run away. Then he snarled at him as a form of threat that if the boy tried to escape, he would kill him.
They boy was completely calm and expressionless. He knew he would be fine. He sat by the fire, bound by the rope as the man began to dose off. His axe in his hand.
Then boy heard a sound in the night and looked up. He saw a pair of eyes glowing on the other side of the small camp fire. He was sure it was his friend, Makuri the bear.
Then he spotted a second pair of eyes. His lion friend, Marakat had also come to the boys aid. It was rare to see a lion and a bear close together but it was for the greater good.
The bear crept close and law down by the fire. He was a stinky as the man in the bear clothes. The bear wanted to growl and kill the man but the boy had a better plan.
He untied the rope from his ankles and tied it around the bear’s left arm. He didn't want the man killed, just frightened out of his wits. This would have a bigger impact than a quick death.
Then, the boy crept away from the camp fire and snuggled into Marakat for warmth who was lying about 10 metres away. The two fell asleep, both snoring softly.
As dawn began to break, there was a piercing shriek as the man woke up to find himself tied to a bear. He jumped up and ran as fast as his hobble would take him but was yanked off his feet by Makuri.
The man yowled in terror as he kept trying to escape. Makuri stood up and bellowed. The boy and Marakat were worried the man would die of fright, but he finally managed to free himself and ran away as fast as he could.
Clutching his bleeding leg and throwing off his furs so that he could move faster. The boy was lying on his back, howling with laughter. He gasped for air, he was laughing so hard.
Their animals had their own way of laughing and enjoying the moment. They were concerned that their friend was going to die laughing but the little boy eventually managed to pull himself together.
The boy and the animals could just imagine the story the man would tell others that he came across. How the young boy had turned into a bear and tried to eat him and how lucky he was to escape with his life.
Hopefully, the man would think the lands were cursed and not return to find the wizard boy.
The animals understood the boys wisdom and appreciated him. They would have to get him back to his village pretty sharpish for his family would no doubt be very worried.
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This is my latest book on Amazon called Billion Dollar Hack. It’s an exciting thriller.
I was there laughing with the little boy and the animals! Such a sweet story! 🥰