One thing that all species in the universe share is our thirst for knowledge. We want to learn and we want to know how it is and we want to explore what is possible.
We want new experiences in our lifetime. We want to wow our friends with our knowledge so that we can be seen.
We want to help people with our expanded knowledge. We want to make ourselves rich with our knowledge. We want to have a better life and experience new things.
For it is this thirst for expanded knowledge where we are truly alive. Otherwise we are just trying to survive our life, wherever we happen to live in the universe.
We just want a quiet life. A painless one. One with no drama. But this is not the way we were designed. This is not how we evolve as a species or as an individual being.
It is our thirst and consumption of knowledge that expands us. The more we search for knowledge, the more our knowledge expands. The more of our brain we use.
And like any muscle in the human or celestial body, the more we use something, the bigger and stronger it gets. If we do not use our legs or exercise our heart, it shrinks and becomes weak.
It is through practice and stretching ourselves, be that physically or in another form that we grow stronger and more resilient.
That we get to access a way of being that many others are too afraid to even think about, let along try and experience for themselves. It is fear that holds us back.
It is mediocrity that keeps us small and insignificant and boring. The gift of life, in whatever form is an incredible one that not everyone gets to experience.
It is like you are given a billion dollars and you leave it in the bank, too scared to spend any in case you lose all of it. Too afraid you will be poor again.
Or worse, you squander it and give it away, thinking it will make you a better person. But that comes from a limiting belief system. It does not come from a pure place.
What would you do if you were given a billion dollars. Would you endlessly explore the world you live in. Experience different cultures in different countries.
What would you create in your life. Or would you invest it, desperate to make more. What if you had a hundred billion dollars. Would you still invest it and try and make more money.
Enough is never enough. What if everyone had a hundred billion dollars. Then there would be no point in giving it away. What experience would you create.
What limits you have put on yourself would you break. What would you do to serve the world and your species. The real question is, would you just buy stuff and be content to do nothing.
Or would you be inspired to go out into the world and seek knowledge to expand your way of thinking. To expand your imagination and your way of being.
Would you become a leader and guide others. What would you change in the world. What would you improve and how. What would you do with all your time if you didn't have to work.
The real question. Is it lack of money that holds you back doing all these things or is it simply fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of getting broken. Fear of death.
Fear of how you will be seen and what others will say about you. What is your greatest fear right now.
Uncovering your fears and realising that most of the time, they are unfounded and not real. Will help you push forward in your life.
Who do you blame in your life for not fully living it. Who is holding you back. Why are you holding back.
What is the worst that could happen if you went after something you would love to do in your life. How realistic is that thing you fear most.
What is worse, to not do that thing you would love to do that could bring you a deep sense of fulfilment. Or, when you reach 90 years old, sit there wishing you had done all this stuff and taken all these risks.
Experienced all these things you wanted to experience but were too afraid to. Do you really want to reach 90 years old and be sitting in an old age home.
Having to be fed and dressed every day. Fighting failing organs and yet, still terrified of dying. No exciting stories to tell anyone.
No wisdom and life experience to share with anyone.
WAKE UP!! The time is now to grab your life with both hands and experience everything you can. You expand your knowledge. To grow as a person.
To help others do the same. To say, fuck fear and do it anyway. Do not give away your hundred billion dollar or your life to anyone.
It is yours to do with whatever you please. You can choose to do nothing but do not do nothing out of fear. Follow you heart and do what you love.
Create your own life and take responsibility for what you choose to do in this moment right now. Push the boundaries of what is possible. Push your comfort zone.
I read/watched information that showed by archeological proof that after major catastrophic events around the Grand Canyon, the brains of the next generation were larger than those who died...I'm wondering if each surviving civilizations need chaos, even catastrophe to advance